H2H instead of B2C and B2B: Why your e-commerce business needs more humanity

H2H instead of B2C and B2B: Why your e-commerce business needs more humanity
Jürgen Kroder
August 13, 2024
H2H instead of B2C and B2B: Why your e-commerce business needs more humanity

Forget outdated compartmentalization and focus on your target audiences. Win them over with genuine H2H marketing. Discover what it is and how it works.

Introduction to H2H marketing

Online shop operators face new challenges daily - from increasing competition and low customer loyalty to aggressive pricing strategies. In this environment, standing out from the crowd is essential. But how? The answer might lie in H2H marketing. This approach can help your online business stand out and thrive by building real, authentic connections with your prospects and customers.

What is H2H marketing?

H2H - short for Human-to-Human - goes beyond traditional B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) approaches. It emphasizes that at the end of every transaction, it’s not a company or an anonymous business, but usually people. In a market that is becoming increasingly impersonal, H2H creates a valuable difference by putting humanity at the center of business actions. If your company can build deep customer relationships through its online shop, the likelihood of increasing customer loyalty - and ultimately your revenue - rises.

The role of humanity in digital commerce

H2H is not just a marketing strategy but a philosophy. It’s a way of communicating and acting more humanely to genuinely act in a customer-centric manner. Why is this important? While digital technologies have improved the reach and efficiency of (online) commerce, the downside is a certain dehumanization. Customers increasingly long for authenticity and personal engagement. This means your communication in an H2H strategy must be transparent and direct, with no hidden agendas. Your honest goal should be to create added value.

Where did the idea for the H2H paradigm come from?

Bryan Kramer is a key figure in H2H marketing. As the author of the book "Human to Human: #H2H," he coined the term and the philosophy behind this marketing approach. Kramer emphasizes that companies should not neglect the human elements in their communication, as emotions and personal relationships are crucial for creating real connections.
One of the most striking statements in Kramer’s book is: “Businesses do not have emotions. Products do not have emotions. Humans do.”
The business consultant, keynote speaker, and bestselling author therefore calls for a shift from impersonal and formal marketing strategies to more authentic and human interaction. To achieve this goal, there are several approaches.

How to develop a successful H2H strategy

To make your online shop more human, closer, more direct, and more likeable, you must master storytelling, show empathy, and always have an open ear for your customers’ needs. These steps can help you:

Get to know your customers
The first step in developing an H2H strategy is deeply understanding your target audiences. Who are they? What motivates them? What concerns do they have? Use customer surveys, shop analyses, and social media interactions to create a clear picture of your customer segments.

Personalize customer communication
Once you know who your target audiences are, you can start personalizing. Use data to create personalized emails, product recommendations, and content that truly resonate. Technology can be a powerful ally here, but the key lies in genuine understanding and empathy for your customers’ individual needs.

Build a genuine brand
Is your brand trustworthy, innovative, youthful, or perhaps traditional? Whatever it is: your brand should have a personality that appeals to your customers. Use your brand identity throughout your communication - from the images on your online shop to communication in the support area.

Focus on authentic storytelling
Tell stories that connect your products and brand with real experiences. Storytelling creates an emotional connection that is essential in H2H marketing. Use blog posts, videos, and social media to tell your stories.

Optimize customer communication
The direct and indirect exchange with your customers is the heart of Human-to-Human marketing. Ensure that you are accessible and approachable via live chats and social media, and stand out by providing quick responses to customer inquiries. Every contact should show that you value your target groups and take all needs seriously.

Measure your progress
Make your H2H business measurable. Track clear metrics like churn rate, customer lifetime value, and net promoter score to assess the impact of your efforts. Use appropriate tools to stay up to date and continuously adjust your strategies.


H2H marketing is more than a theory. It’s an approach that relies on trust, respect, and genuine interpersonal relationships. Embrace this philosophy and incorporate it into your business strategies. By putting humanity at the forefront of your online shop, you can not only outpace your competition but also build a loyal and engaged customer base.