Step by step to better product descriptions: A guide for improved product texts

Step by step to better product descriptions: A guide for improved product texts
Jürgen Kroder
April 3, 2024
Step by step to better product descriptions: A guide for improved product texts

Writing product texts is a pain for many online store operators. This is why they either use the product manufacturer's texts 1:1 or outsource the writing of product descriptions to external service providers.   

Neither is a good solution! This is because meaningless product texts convert poorly and are not suitable for SEO measures. Here is how to create high-quality product texts. 


When you start an online store, you invest many months in the technical implementation. The placement of the products is usually the last step. A step to which too little attention is paid. Even in the stressful day-to-day business, too little attention is paid to creating convincing product pages.  
A mistake! Put "product texts" on your to-do list and put it right at the top. This will give you enough time (and hopefully the muse) to write great product descriptions. 

Target group 

Who are the target groups for the product? What wishes or challenges do the potential buyers have? What level of education and what kind of language (e.g. casual youth language or serious technical language) do the target groups use? Answer these important questions for yourself.  

Then go into the specifics in the product text! If you sell computer keyboards, you should make it clear whether they are suitable for "normal users" or rather for gamers. 

Special features 

Ask yourself the following questions: What makes your product different from the competition? What are the unique selling points? Which "features" are particularly relevant for your target groups?  
Emphasize the special features in the product text - even in the product name field. Instead of "Keyboard model 344-1N", you could write "Gamer keyboard, ideal for action games".  
Go into more detail about the special features in the detailed product description. It is possible that you do not list the individual special features, but the solution associated with your product. Examples: 

  • "A keyboard that lets you type quietly" instead of "Keyboard with mechanical keys".  
  • "Fast vacuuming of even large objects" instead of "Vacuum cleaner with new SuperSucking Technology".  

Extra tip: Avoid adjectives and superlatives such as "innovative", "revolutionary" or "sustainable". These words come across as trite and clumsy advertising. 


Most product texts are kept short and to the point, with special features and functions explained in bullet points. This makes sense in order to convey the most important facts to the prospective customer - especially for technical products.  
However, if you offer products that are more about emotion than functionality, you should use a different style of writing. Get "poetic" and tell a little story. Describe how you feel or how you affect others when using your product.  
"Imagine you are in the jungle of Ecuador. A warm rain sets in, releasing the scent of the exotic flowers of the rainforest" - you could use a passage like this for a shower gel.  
Or emotionally charge your product with the story of its invention and manufacture. For example, explain how your whisky is distilled in the Scottish Highlands and refined over the years using special processes. 


If you want to include a lot of information on the product page or engage in storytelling, your content must be visually appealing. Nobody likes to read "text deserts"!  
Make a paragraph after a few sentences, insert subheadings and bold special features. Insert info boxes if necessary. Make your text so "tasty" that people will want to read it.  
Note: If people have to scroll several times to read your product text, it is definitely too long. Shorten it! After all, you don't want to publish a novel, you want to entice prospective customers to buy. 


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is important, no question about it. But don't fall into the old SEO tactic of "stuffing" your product text with relevant keywords. This so-called keyword stuffing is long outdated and annoys both your readers and Google.  
Instead, write a natural text. As if you were explaining your product to a friend. At the end, you can add suitable keywords and synonyms without overdoing it.  
Speaking of keywords and synonyms: Pay attention to your target groups and their language here too! For mechanics, what we colloquially call a s beamer is technically called a projector.  


Even if you have your product texts written by a professional copywriter, you should check them - or have them checked by an editor. This is because product texts with linguistic and grammatical errors look embarrassing, especially with expensive products. Don't save time or money at the wrong end. Otherwise you will damage your company's image with simple text errors.  
And: Have the product texts checked by a specialist! An engineer or product manager knows his product inside out. They will immediately notice if the product features are misrepresented by flowery wording. 

AI Support  

ChatGPT, Gemini, Neuroflash and similar AI tools are a technical revolution. One that you can use for your product texts, among other things. For example, by having the programs ...  

  • translating foreign-language product texts.  
  • having existing product texts reworded.  
  • shortening or expanding product texts.  
  • having your product texts corrected.  
  • have product texts completely rewritten.  

What used to be done laboriously and expensively "by hand" by copywriters, translators and proofreaders is now increasingly being done by ChatGPT and the like. However, you should always be aware of this: The output can only be good if the input was good! To do this, you need to get to grips with prompt engineering in order to give the artificial intelligence clear instructions.   


A good product text encourages prospective customers to buy, whereas a bad one is a "conversion killer". That's why you need to invest enough time and energy in creating convincing product texts - and do so in a timely manner. Our tips should make this easier for you.